
AI's first poem has already been written

The first ever poem written by artificial intelligence has already been written. I don't know when, by who, or even what was written, but I can say with relative certainty that it has been done. How can I make such a bold claim without having any evidence? Because it’s up to interpretation. Disregarding the contentious definition of “poem,” how does one define “The first ever poem written by artificial intelligence?” First seems relatively straightforward: there was no poem written in this way before. But what about artificial intelligence? Artificial is a bit hard to pin down by itself, but for the sake of argument let’s go with the gut instinct of how we imagine artificial intelligence: computer, or more generally electronic. Intelligence, though, is where I think things get quite difficult. The vast majority of people would agree with the statement “humans are intelligent.” I know I would. What about animals? I often hear the factoid that pigs are fifteen times smarter ...

Promiscuous Poetry

Rene Char was wrong when he said "a poem is always married to someone." A person may have a deep connection with a poem, but a poem is inherently a polyamorous creature and would not be confined in something as binding as marriage. At any one moment, many people will be in love with the same poem, and a poem doesn't do hierarchy. Free love for poetry! A Poem's Heart A poem's heart is fickle, it may love you now, but then it meets another pair of eyes and falls in love again. A poem sings to you alone until you leave it be and then another turns the page and lets its song be free. A poem is promiscuous, the lover of the poet, it steals a kiss from anyone and everyone who'll know it. To let a poem marry is a very foolish blunder: Keeping love from everyone will tear its heart asunder.

Science? Poetry.

Poetry can be valuable to scientists. Contrary to portrayals in books and other media, science is not just beakers, radiation, and whiteboards covered in equations. One of the most important parts of science is interpreting the data you have obtained, especially when the correct interpretation is hidden or non-intuitive. This is where poetry comes in. Poetry is likewise something that seldom has an obvious meaning, oftentimes requiring analysis and a great deal of thought to comprehend. This Another important point is that the "hard sciences" (physics, chemistry, earth science, sometimes biology) is far from the full extent of science. Science also includes disciplines like anthropology, linguistics, psychology, sociology, and economics. Here, poetry has a more immediate connection. Linguistics is probably the most obvious, as poems are fundamentally things of language. Poetry can also provide psychological and sociological insight because poems reflect onto the psychology ...

Write a poem without the letter E. Write an explanation without the letter S.

E 1 A pitchfork holds out its arms, smiling. It stands fair and broad, but Don’t allow it to fool you. It would rip your guts out in a blink if it had any luck. 2 It was long ago a bosomy B, but Months of starvation shrank its arcs into stark hooks. Watch it from your window: It looks back on its young body (That willful Apollo) And sighs. 3 Many moons and a string of offspring go, it bawls bald and quaking sounds. Its form is a prison with iron bars, Its sharp pointing claws indict that night sky and all its stars. 4 It must quit living Or just start migrating To a city in which nobody knows its history. No sly fairy could do such injury, It will ambush you from any patch of grass. E xplanation: Wh e n I pick e d th e prompt of writing a po e m without th e l e tt e r “ E ”, e arly on, I had no id e a what to do. But th e n, I r e aliz e d that I could actually e xploit that rigid boundary to my advantag e . Writing with a confin ...

Sometimes, code is poetry

function codeAsPoetry() sometimes( code, "is", poetry ) if code == poetry then it = is.made.with( "restraint" ) simplicity = is( "valued" ) code( isReused( "to achieve" ), simplicity ) ironically( "this program, I would argue, is not poetic" ) else sometimes( "it", "isn't" ) -- I wouldn't call this poetry local this = "\112\114\105\110\116\040\034\092\110\073\032\119\111\117\108\100\110\039\116\032\099\097\108\108\032\116\104\105\115\032\112\111\101\116\114\121\092\110\034\041\059\112\114\105\110\116\040\034\116\104\105\115\032\105\115\032\109\101\115\115\121\034\041\059\112\114\105\110\116\040\034\092\116\111\118\101\114\045\099\111\109\112\108\105\099\097\116\101\100\034\041\059\112\114\105\110\116\040\034\092\110\092\116\092\116\121\101\116\032\111\098\115\099\117\114\101\100\092\110\034\041"...

Poems in Boxes

Friend. I know that you must feel frustrated. I'm here to tell you that your feelings are legitimate and that you shouldn't hold your emotions in. I'm not going to judge, but I can help, if you want me to. Step 1 Ask yourself why you want to put the poem into a box. You don't have to tell me about the specific details, but it might help with this process. I know that you might either be very attached to this poem and want to take it with you, or you might never want to see the poem again and plan to hide it in the dark corners of your attic. Or you might want to put the poem in a box for an entirely different reason. It's ok. Any reason is ok, just as long as you're clear with yourself your intentions. While I can't pretend to understand how you're feeling, I can tell you that I've been in similar situations, and I can empathize with your turmoil. Step 2 Find a bigger box. I'm all about environmental conservation but I also know that there...

Welcome to the accelerating yellow umbrellas!

Hi! Welcome to our poetry problems blog. We're the accelerating yellow umbrellas. Our group is composed of Hannah Davis, Anna Ding, Julian Montague, and Robert Nagel. We look forward to solving poetry problems in the coming weeks.