AI's first poem has already been written
The first ever poem written by artificial intelligence has already been written. I don't know when, by who, or even what was written, but I can say with relative certainty that it has been done. How can I make such a bold claim without having any evidence? Because it’s up to interpretation. Disregarding the contentious definition of “poem,” how does one define “The first ever poem written by artificial intelligence?” First seems relatively straightforward: there was no poem written in this way before. But what about artificial intelligence? Artificial is a bit hard to pin down by itself, but for the sake of argument let’s go with the gut instinct of how we imagine artificial intelligence: computer, or more generally electronic. Intelligence, though, is where I think things get quite difficult. The vast majority of people would agree with the statement “humans are intelligent.” I know I would. What about animals? I often hear the factoid that pigs are fifteen times smarter ...